This ultra-thin t-shirt available in black and white colors, both colors available with and without sleeves. The shirt is covering the bulletproof vest that protecting your torso. To make the ballistic material hidden from the eye, we attach this t-shirt to the bulletproof vest to make it one whole unit.
This all-in-one undercover bulletproof t-shirt is all what you need to have concealed body armor. It’s extremely flexible and lightweight and used as stand alone protection with level IIIA rating.
This shirt bulletproof vest can be used in any weather, especially in warm climates when the only thing you wearing is this bulletproof shirt. This design offers you to use it with any clothing on top. This shirt can be worn in any occasion from undercover job to travelling in dangerous areas.
While this is lightweight shirt it is very durable and it hides the ballistic vest out of sight. Can be used as stand alone or with other clothes on top.