This solid black elastic helmet cover not only change your helmet color to black but also protect it from scratches. This helmet cover fits all helmets as it is elastic and it is very handy when your helmet is old and it is not look as it used to.
During military operation at night in search of a bad guys lurking around the next corner requires avoiding detection because a flicker of light from a passing car reflects your position.
As a military operative, covering your entire helmet for blackout situations may make the difference between success and failure. And the need for covers is not just about “you”: it’s about preventing any possibility that your entire team may be revealed in the course of a strategic operation.
Whether military or law enforcement, you’ll appreciate the fact that this elastic cover snaps tightly into place without struggling for perfect placement or worrying about it sliding to the wrong side.
If you need black helmet cover, you may want to use this one or better get a spare just in case.